
Jonathan R Cohen - search results

Jonathan R Cohen

Jonathan R Cohen holds degrees from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, the Jewish Theological Seminary, and Penn. He began teaching at the University of Maine Farmington in 1992 after a year at...

Relational Egalitarianism is Not about Egalitarian Relationships fundamentally “distributive”. G.A. Cohen encapsulated that whole era of political philosophy when he said that distributive egalitarians take it “for granted that there is something which justice requires people...

Contributors general. He also has interests in philosophy of language and aesthetics. Jonathan Webber Jonathan Webber is Head of Philosophy at Cardiff University, Wales, UK. His book Rethinking Existentialism is...


Syllabus Showcase: Jonathan R. Cohen, Constructing Our World, Constructing Ourselves, Nineteenth Century German Philosophy                                                        

“Constructing Our World, Constructing Ourselves” is the third semester in a four-semester sequence covering the history of philosophy from Thales to Zizek. The focus of this course is 19thC German...

Logic-Based Therapy and Civil Discourse in Fractious Times

...of action for the client. As Cohen tells us in Logic-Based Therapy and Everyday Emotions, These six steps provide a rational framework for confronting problems of living (xix). Jonathan Haidt...

How Metaphors Can Illuminate Neuroscience conviction that philosophical reflection was important for a life lived reflectively and intelligently. Ted Cohen, who blended Austinian philosophy of language with Cavellian attention to the ordinary in daily...